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Transforming the social model: towards a constructive, open and innovative dialogue

Transformer le modèle social - vers un dialogue constructif, ouvert et innovant

The role of social dialogue in HR transformation

Social dialogue plays an essential role in managing organisational change. If well structured, it promotes the alignment of objectives, the resolution of conflicts and informed decision-making, helping to strengthen team commitment and boost overall company performance.

Transforming the social model: our approach


Understanding your corporate culture, values and strategic objectives is an essential first step


Working with all stakeholders in social dialogue


Tailoring social dialogue initiatives to your specific needs and the realities of your organisation

Our aim is to create an environment in which everyone feels heard, respected and valued, to foster social innovation and performance.

Our support service for successful social transformation

To ensure optimum social performance, we support our clients from the definition of a new social foundation to negotiations with employee representatives. Our aim is to reconcile social equity with the economic viability of the company.

Negotiation and Social Performance

Our approach begins with an in-depth HR audit. This diagnosis enables us to identify the optimisation levers best suited to each activity, taking into account the sector’s specific practices.

We then work with you hand in hand to develop a coherent and balanced social strategy, and play an active role in negotiating the New Social Pact to ensure its effective implementation.

At the same time, we support HR teams in their ad hoc and short-term needs, whether they relate to the organisation of working hours, health in the workplace, or any other subject for which they are responsible.

Social Dialogue Training

At a time of constant transformation in businesses, trust and the ability to work together are crucial.

Our social dialogue training courses are designed to meet these challenges.

We offer structured development paths based on the real-life situations you will face.

We decided to do things differently and to innovate in our teaching methods:

  • By offering you new ways of learning and understanding the ecosystem of industrial relations and the players involved in social dialogue.
  • By creating a genuine culture of trade unionism, labour law and collective bargaining at three different levels: strategic, operational and local

Positioned at the meeting point of “political”, “institutional”, “professional” and “local” dialogue, our training courses are designed to encourage innovative initiatives aimed at raising awareness, equipping and supporting companies.

HR Communications to promote your social policy

Our teams can help you to promote these policies and turn them into a driver of individual and collective engagement.

You’ve launched innovative social policies, now you need to make them accessible to all your stakeholders.

Our teams work with you to promote them and make them a driver of individual and collective engagement.

We work with you to develop an effective social communications strategy, aimed at clarifying the meaning of your HR policies and contributing to your organisation’s overall performance.

Formation au Dialogue Social