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Mergers & Acquisitions: employee relations and HR support to ensure the success of your project

Fusions et Acquisitions - accompagnement social et RH

Are you planning to merge, acquire or sell a company?

Managing the employee relations and HR aspects of these operations is vital to the success and long-term viability of your project.

  • HR Data Room
  • Costing of key elements
  • Social dialogue
  • Negotiation of by-laws
  • Harmonisation of practices
  • Support for HR teams

HR Data Room and in-depth analysis

Our firm offers you leading-edge expertise in HR and employee relations management for mergers & acquisitions, divestments and spin-offs.

We handle the due diligence and data room phases, carrying out an in-depth analysis of the employee relations and HR issues involved in your M&A project.

This involves examining employment contracts, HR policies, compensation plans, succession plans, relations with unions, etc. Understanding the impact the transaction could have on employees, corporate culture and labour relations is key to the M&A process.

We quantify key elements, anticipate social risks and identify opportunities to create value for your company, while minimising the negative impact on your teams.

Social Dialogue and Renegotiation of Employee Status

Regulating labour relations and renegotiating bylaws are crucial steps in any merger-acquisition process.

Our team will support you through these delicate steps with a strategic, tailor-made approach.

We can help you establish constructive labour relations with employee representatives, negotiate fair agreements and ensure the best possible transition for all stakeholders.

Regulating labour relations

During a merger or acquisition, it is essential to establish an open and constructive dialogue with employee representatives and trade unions.

This involves sharing relevant information about the transaction, listening to employees’ concerns and negotiating agreements that take their interests into account.

Regulating labour relations helps to promote transparency, reduce tensions and win the support of the company’s internal stakeholders.

Renegotiating employee status

If your company is involved in a merger or acquisition, this may have an impact on existing collective agreements and employment contracts.

It will be necessary to revise and adjust these agreements to reflect new business realities. This can lead to discussions on wages, benefits, working conditions and other aspects of the employer-employee relationship.

Dialogue Social et Renégociation des Statuts

HR Support and Harmonisation of Practices

At the same time, we provide valuable support to your HR teams throughout the process.

Our aim is to ensure the effective harmonisation of HR practices and policies between the various entities involved in the transaction.

We ensure that the social and human aspects of M&A are optimally integrated into your overall strategy, giving the operation the best chance of long-term success.