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Successfully deploying inter-generational skills transfer policies and supporting career endings

Réussir le déploiement de politiques intergénérationnelles de transmission des compétences et accompagner les fins de carrière

End-of-career management, and consequently the management of seniors, is an essential process for companies seeking to anticipate and prepare for the retirement of their employees. It includes the transfer of skills and the implementation of intergenerational policies to ensure the continuity of knowledge and expertise within the organisation.

Challenges for the Company

Anticipating Departures

Identifying potential departures and planning succession actions is essential to avoid skills gaps and ensure the company’s long-term future.

Knowledge Transfer

Age pyramid management is crucial to maintaining a generational balance within the company.

Encouraging a diversity of ages within the company not only promotes the transfer of skills, but also innovation and work dynamics between generations.

Communication on Retirement

Pension reform, end-of-career schemes, changes in available options such as combining work and retirement or phased retirement, new methods for calculating retirement, etc.

HR teams need to continuously adapt to new provisions and keep employees informed through regular and transparent communication.

Our support

For HR Teams

A leading player in the retirement market, Silver Up offers several solutions to help you manage the age pyramid, jobs and skills. This range of services will enable you to anticipate retirements, transfer skills, and safeguard your end-of-career management.

We can help you manage your age pyramid, optimise retirement projects and train your HR and management teams.

  • Age pyramid management (HR data audit, projection and advice on measures to adopt, etc.)
  • Supporting and optimising retirement projects as part of collective initiatives (GPEC [jobs and skills forecasting], PDV [voluntary departure scheme], PSE [job protection scheme], RCC [collective contractual termination], etc.)
  • Retirement Training (news and reforms, calculation rules, mixed careers, top-up pension schemes, etc.)

For Employees

Silver Up also deploys its expertise for the benefit of employees, through retirement assessments, the definition of their new life plan, the safeguarding of their income and assets, and retirement preparation courses.

  • Individualised retirement assessment
  • New life plan
  • Safeguarding of income and assets
  • Retirement preparation course
Gestion de la pyramide des âges

What schemes are available to prepare for end-of-career transitions?

Our teams will support you in implementing the various schemes and measures available to help your employees prepare for their end-of-career transition.

Part-time arrangements

Combined work and retirement

End-of-career leave

Adjustment of working hours and working conditions

Early retirement schemes
(progressive or conventional)

Skills transfer through mentoring/tutoring programmes

Skills assessment
and support towards other professional projects

Training and coaching
to prepare for the transition to retirement

Early retirement plan

Advice and transition management
(preparation course, financial optimisation, top-up pension, etc.)

La gestion des fins de carrière et la transmission des compétences intergénérationnelles

In brief

End-of-career management and the intergenerational transfer of skills are major challenges for companies. By implementing knowledge transfer policies and anticipating retirements, companies can ensure a smooth transition and maintain their competitiveness.

Silver Up, our Alixio Group entity dedicated to end-of-career management, can help you to design and implement these strategies. For more information on our services and to find out how we can help you, click here.