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Developing and deploying an attractive compensation policy to engage employees

Élaborer et déployer une politique de rémunération attractive pour engager les collaborateurs

An attractive compensation policy is essential to attract, engage and retain talent

Competitive compensation is not just a case of offering high basic salaries, but also includes a well-defined pay scale, additional benefits, and motivating reward systems. Effective compensation policies contribute directly to employee motivation, satisfaction and performance within the organisation.

Les éléments clés d’une politique de rémunération attractive

Key elements of an attractive compensation policy

Payroll and performance management

A compensation policy must take into account the overall remuneration of employees, including basic salary, variable compensation and benefits in kind. This allows organisations to meet employee expectations while remaining competitive in the job market.

The effectiveness of a compensation system relies on effective tools. We help companies to overhaul their employee status, modernise their pay scales and rework their pay policy. At Alixio, we implement tailor-made solutions for your compensation policy and performance management. Our approach is tailored to each company. Our methodologies are robust and our approaches incorporate every aspect of success: social, managerial and economic.

Internal equity and classification

Internal equity is the key to the acceptability of a compensation policy by employees. This includes rigorous job classification and wide pay bands.

It is essential to maintain pay equity while offering competitive wages. This requires continuous analysis of the labour market to adjust compensation policies accordingly.

Pay transparency is essential to establish trust between the company and its employees. Clear communication on compensation criteria, levels of responsibility and pay discrepancies fosters a climate of trust and pay equity.

Together with managers and HR, we implement modern methods and management tools as close to ground level as possible, while factoring in your challenges, your business and your market.

The result? Compensation and career management policies that are better understood and more individualised.

Compensation for individual performance

Incorporating employee performance into the compensation grid is essential. Salary policies that reward the achievement of objectives and individual or collective performance are more effective in motivating employees.

At what level should a variable bonus be set to encourage individual performance? What kind of objectives should it be based on? Who should it target first? We answer these questions openly with our clients, particularly in the sensitive context of company mergers or transformations. Variable compensation can be costly when poorly implemented. It can also make the difference between you and your competitors.

Sales force compensation

The effectiveness of sales force compensation depends on two key factors: its alignment with the company’s strategic challenges, and its ability to encourage and motivate salespeople. We help companies to address both business and social issues, striking the right balance between risks and opportunities, while keeping solutions simple and fair.

These developments are part of a specific history and context, which needs to be supported. They can only be tackled through tailor-made approaches. Our support is based on robust modelling methods and analyses of individual and global impacts, essential to facilitating your decisions.

Complementary and social benefits: value sharing, health, welfare, retirement

In today’s world, basic pay isn’t everything. Additional benefits (value-sharing, profit-sharing, employee shareholding, funded pension plans, good health and provident cover) and good working conditions contribute to employee satisfaction and talent retention.

Alixio Group puts its expertise in employee benefits at its client’s disposal: definition of an innovative pay policy, costs, compliance, management tools, choice of managers, financial performance, human and social impact, policies integrating career transitions and geographical mobility (internationalisation, settlement of foreign talent in France), etc.

How do you roll out a compensation policy?

1. Analysis of employee needs

Understanding employee expectations is the first step in developing an effective compensation policy. Internal surveys and regular discussions with teams can help to identify priorities in terms of compensation and working conditions.

2. Defining objectives

Compensation policy objectives must be clear and aligned with the company’s overall strategy. Whether it’s attracting new talent, rewarding performance, or improving employee retention, each objective needs to be well defined.

3. Development of the compensation system

Develop a consistent, fair compensation package that includes basic pay, variable pay and other forms of compensation. The remuneration system needs to be flexible to adapt to different levels of responsibility and changes in the labour market.

4. Effective communication

Communication is the key to implementing a successful compensation policy. Employees need to have an understanding of how salaries are determined and the criteria for variable pay or promotion. Transparent, regular communication is essential to avoid misunderstandings and build trust.

5. Use of appropriate tools and methods

Compensation management tools and HR software can facilitate the deployment and monitoring of compensation policies. These tools can be used to manage salaries, analyse performance data and ensure pay equity.

Measuring the effectiveness of the compensation policy


Performance indicators

Use key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the effectiveness of the compensation policy. This includes the measurement of employee satisfaction, talent retention and overall company performance.


Employee feedback

Gathering regular feedback from employees on compensation policy helps to identify areas for improvement and adjust compensation strategies accordingly.


Market comparison

Regular benchmarking against market compensation practices ensures that the company remains competitive and attractive to talent.

Our support

At Alixio, we support companies in developing and deploying attractive and effective compensation policies. Thanks to our expertise in human resources and our innovative solutions, we help every organisation to optimise its compensation strategy, to encourage employee motivation and loyalty, and thus achieve its performance and growth objectives.